Category Archives: Sand

My Teeth Are Gone

Down the riverbed

Dried but always nascent

This time of year.

Frogs underneath sleep a dream

Only perturbed by the percolating


with careful step, I feel them once again.

I am off to a quiet place.


The dunes, ahead,

Flank the bend

Of the riverbed

and I must turn left;

Once it straightens again.

My great grandfather first told me about this

When I was still holding my mother’s tail

And off he went,

Off to a quiet place.


If memory serves me right,

He looked at me the same way

That I am looking at my sons and daughters on this day.

We’ve wrestled through this path with countless marauders

These countless dry spells.

But I fear not for their safety…

I have taught them well.

Some are stronger than others and in this

I find rest.

So I stay behind as the riverbed straightens

Until a little one strays from his mother’s rear-end

It is they that, just as I had then, do not understand

But all my brethren will keep them safe

As I am off to a quiet place.


The trees bare the minutest leaves

In this patch of dry grass

They are easy on my stomach, in vain…

But I let melancholia

Run its course

Like the rain greens the land

I’ve always trekked

Where the elephant shrew makes its home

And I never see one twice,

But know of his mother’s scent.

I will not step on them,

Never have I

In these endless suns, neither will I today

On my way to a quiet place.


Bleached bones and hardened skin

Some have disturbed the sleep of my elders, family, and friends

I hope this is not my fate

This I know, I’ve passed through here forty suns ago

Because of lack of food and smoking thunders among the trees

But this does not stop me from lying down

My tired frame.

I have finally arrived to the place where my ancestors have gone

Once the river straightens

And the trees become few

Amidst the boulders that hide

Our bones from the winds.

Our quiet place.

Für Anne

Entre montañas de verde vestidas en dulce niebla

Te encuentras

Unos pajaros revolotean en tu pelo

Y una flor desconocida enciende tu iris

Yo aqui en otra selva

Pensando en ti

No veo nada

A no ser de que me imagine ver a traves de tus ojos, no quiero otra cosa y agarro un baston para hacerme el ciego entre los edificios grises y el asfalto hirviendo un brevage que te intoxica hasta punto de hacerte olvidar el florecer de una flor o el perfume de hojas en el aire, y los colores de alas en corteo

Un vuelo de ojos entre ramas llenas de lluvia,

Te miran.

Y donde tu suspiro descansa

Hay miles de estrellas desparramadas en cada uno de tus pasos.

Palmas y

Rasgueo flamenco

Corre entre tus venas Hessianas.

Que arenas acarician tus pies? Si pudiera rezaria por vientos monzónicos para que se las llevé y de puros celos me pongo a soplar petalos de flor al viento; soplo dia y noche hasta que mis labios se convierten en petalos de amapola bañados en vino.  Y yo aqui poniendo cientos de capullos de rosas en mi nariz para poder acordarme del perfume de tu piel.

Un canto de crystales reverberando entre piedras

Te llama

De noche caminas sobre una costa vaga del sol

Y te das vueltas pensando en mi vos llamandote a lo lejos.


Un acorde mustio

La letra no escrita pero entonada

Que cancion en tu ausencia te puedo cantar para que te traiga a mis brazos? Que sonidos pueden mis manos rechinar para encantar un ave que lleve mi mensaje? E puesto algodon y miel en mis orejas para poder escuchar la dulzura y la suavidad de tu voz. Pero eso en fin me a robado de todos mis sentidos, menos uno.  Es por eso que cada ves que pienso en ti, mis manos se mueven en el aire.

Como Empiezan Las Tormentas (Gefühlsmensch Mist IV)

Gemidos sonoros, amorosos

Escalando tu garganta.

Empiezan en tu estomago

Como el revoloteo

De gaviotas celosas.

Precipicios en tus pestañas

That at night are a wall of darkness where ships find their deathbed; an illusory night where no lighthouse dared be built; granite so shrill in color and texture where no light reflects; an end where the means are slapped to and fro in disorienting rhythms; jagged rocks where not even a grain of sand has remained averred to its zealous crannies

Y yo

Me digo

“Como e llegado aqui?”

Aferrado de uñas a un pilar

Donde nadie a terminado

De escribir su nombre

Letter and symbols in delirious scribbles that are carved with drunken fingers till they resemble the stump of rock they are clinging to; gasping and gulping water till the salt crystallizes in their veins; and their prophetic, whitened eyeballs see the light till they are peeled off and washed away; what gust of wind, what beating of a wing on the other side of us drives this tempests, this hypernatremia of sorts that swells flesh and bone

Es ponerte a dormir

Donde uno puede respirar

Sin dejarte abrir tu boca

Ni parpadeo alguno

Donde la calma en el ojo se asienta…creo

In feverish shudders of thoughts I’ve yet to find out as I cling to this stubborn, splintering rock if this theory is right; what calm is one to hope for if all is known are wall and water clashing everlasting: red crabs mating in burning columns; carvings that last a million years if any eye lived long to see.

Precipicios En Tus Pestañas

Mar En Noche (Gefühlsmensch Mist II)

Ojos de mar en noche

Se han ahogado en ellos naufragos moros

Con tempestades de carcajadas

Tell me where you’ve been,

How those scars got on your knees

Of wintry winds

And slashing clouds.

Your hands run right

Through me.

Labios de sal

Se desmoronan

Con el mas leve tocar.

An angular jaw

Full of history

Of clay and meadows

Now lit around the clock

Cuerpo y lengua

Of dried powdered peppers

And peopled with topografia Americana

My eye caresses a skin yielding, scraped by falls