Tag Archives: shipwrecked

Como Empiezan Las Tormentas (Gefühlsmensch Mist IV)

Gemidos sonoros, amorosos

Escalando tu garganta.

Empiezan en tu estomago

Como el revoloteo

De gaviotas celosas.

Precipicios en tus pestañas

That at night are a wall of darkness where ships find their deathbed; an illusory night where no lighthouse dared be built; granite so shrill in color and texture where no light reflects; an end where the means are slapped to and fro in disorienting rhythms; jagged rocks where not even a grain of sand has remained averred to its zealous crannies

Y yo

Me digo

“Como e llegado aqui?”

Aferrado de uñas a un pilar

Donde nadie a terminado

De escribir su nombre

Letter and symbols in delirious scribbles that are carved with drunken fingers till they resemble the stump of rock they are clinging to; gasping and gulping water till the salt crystallizes in their veins; and their prophetic, whitened eyeballs see the light till they are peeled off and washed away; what gust of wind, what beating of a wing on the other side of us drives this tempests, this hypernatremia of sorts that swells flesh and bone

Es ponerte a dormir

Donde uno puede respirar

Sin dejarte abrir tu boca

Ni parpadeo alguno

Donde la calma en el ojo se asienta…creo

In feverish shudders of thoughts I’ve yet to find out as I cling to this stubborn, splintering rock if this theory is right; what calm is one to hope for if all is known are wall and water clashing everlasting: red crabs mating in burning columns; carvings that last a million years if any eye lived long to see.

Precipicios En Tus Pestañas